Wednesday, January 31, 2007

i miss...

So I recently started a new job and I love it! But although I hated (yes, hate is a very harsh word, but in this case, i think it's kind of warranted, especially if you knew what really went on there) the place I left, I miss a lot of things that surrounded it. I miss my old co-workers...a lot. I walked into that place not knowing anyone, but in a short period of time, I felt like I had known some of them for years. I miss the drive to and from work, which involved no freeways like it does now. On really nice sunny days, driving to work wasn't really a chore - it was actually kind of nice to see people on the streets and different types of buildings along the way, instead of just seeing a long stream of cars and a brick wall lining the side of the road. It was fun seeing the same crossing guard everyday - an old man who talked with all the moms and dads and kids who crossed the street. I used to smile at him every morning and he would acknowledge me with one of those "hello" nods, and then keep a look out for cars coming so I could make my turn. I miss seeing the three little asian brothers who rode their razors to school, trying new tricks along the way. I miss all those things...things that sometimes made my day or made me smile every morning...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

quote of the day

"'s like 90% of life - just knowing the difference."