Monday, February 14, 2005

i just know

My mom asked me out of the blue whether or not I had a picture of my grandmother up in my room at my apartment. I said "yes," and asked her why. She said with a smile, "Because grandmother is very strong right now." I said "How do you know?" She replied with an even a bigger smile and said "I just know. Whenever you need help with anything you can look at that picture and ask her to help you." I smiled at her and she gave a little laugh.

I love how my mom does that. She "just knows" a lot of things. Like how she "just knows" that that gross "chicken of essence" stuff she makes you drink will make your resistance better, but when you ask her how, she doesn't really know. But with that most recent "I just know" comment, I can tell she misses her mom, and that made me miss my grandmother a little. It is the new year, and doing all these chinese new year family activities makes it a bit nostalgic.


joshua walker said...

what is the "chicken of essence" stuff? And what does it make you resist better?

waiting4heinz said...

you'd know what it was if you'd had it - it's pretty nasty...and resistance to sickness...