"So close yet so far - that's the story of my life," my co-worker tells me. I laugh and I say, "Ya know, it's kinda true for me too." I was so close to getting a job that I thought would be a great first design job...so close, yet sooo sooo far. I was so close to living on my own, being more independent, until I got laid off...so close, yet so far. I was so close to getting the ultimate dream job as a travelling food critic - I love eating and I love travelling, two of the most important requirements for that job, but how the hell do you even get that job??? So close, yet so far. I was so close to thinking I would meet that one person I would totally gel with for the rest of my life by the time I was 24, but sadly, I was only so close thinking it - no guy ever came along...so close only in my naive head, yet so so so far.
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