We, my roommates - two permanent and one temporary, were playing scrabble last night and who knew it would be as entertaining as it was. Two of them, guys (let's call the first one 'T-man' and the other 'Rich'), didn't really know all the rules. The first word that wasn't really a word that was formed was "tyraid" where the "T-Y" was added onto the already formed word "raid." Rich kept insisting that it was a real word and got T-man to back him up that I was almost convinced that it was a real word. The sensible roommate #1 (the other girl in the house) defiantly said that it wasn't a real word. She told them to use it in a sentence. Here's what they came up with: "The tyrant went on a tyraid." LOL...no, "tyraid" is not a word.
At the end of the game, we all had some tiles left and were trying to get rid of as many as possible. Rich ended up having about 5 tiles left, one was a "Y" (worth 4 points), one was a "Z" (worth 10 points), and the others were one point tiles. He really wanted to get rid of his "Z" and kept insisting that "oz" was a word. Roommate #1 challenged him and he lost but kept stating that it was in the dictionary - yes, it was, but as an abbreviation of the word "ounce," and abbreviations are not allowed in the game. He then insisted that it was a place like in The Wizard of Oz but you can't use pronouns, so no, you can't use it. He then said "then what's 'west' then?" (a word that was already on the board). I then rebutted, "It's a direction, like north, south, east, west - not a place OR a pronoun."
So the game ended and Rich was frustrated while T-man was laughing because he thought it was a funny game. Rich ended up going online to look up "tyraid" which didn't exist and "oz" again which was still an abbreviation and a place...
Wait til I tell you the next story about Rich...
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