Thursday, August 24, 2006

F-I-E-L-D...yes, that IS how you spell it

So this how dumb my boss is...

He goes into my co-worker's office and says, "I can't believe someone misspelled the word "field" in our database. I was looking it up to find a photo and nothing came up. I mean who spells "field" like that? FI-ELD? (pronouncing it phonetically). I'm going to change it and spell it correctly in the system so when other people do a search they can find it." So he went and changed it to "feild" because that's how he seriously thinks "field" is spelled. I can't believe I work for someone who can't spell "field" correctly. I seriously work in an office that can totally just be filmed and it would be like the show "The Office." So sad...

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