Saturday, September 30, 2006


So I was talking with a friend today about how we thought we were boring, but I think that there are two types of boring - one being the really boring type of person that makes people fall asleep they're so boring, and the other being the boring type who think they're boring because that's what their life seems like compared to everyone elses. I personally think we fall in the latter category, but really, how do we know we all don't fall in the first? No one will tell you if you're really boring.

But seriously, I feel like I don't fall in the first type of boring for the following reasons: I can carry on a conversation perfectly fine, I make my co-workers laugh, and some people think I'm a little weird, and weird people can't be boring or they wouldn't be weird. But I do feel as though I fall in the second kind of boring where the things I do most of the time are pretty boring when compared to other people. Like, most days throughout the week, Monday through Friday, I work and go home after that, and on some occassions, I would go out to dinner with friends or happy hour with co-workers, but that's about it. And when I get home, I read, knit, sew, or watch TV. Wow, I sound like a freakin' old lady (sorry if I offended anyone). It's pretty boring when compared to other people who tell you the next day that they're tired and hung over from a party or that they went on a date with someone or that they saw their kid do something cute. And when I first meet people, I always feel like I'm pretty boring compared to them, people who have travelled to so many places, people who have cool jobs, people who have experienced life so much more fully. So I'm stuck here thinking if other people think I'm boring, like the first type of boring, because I'm totally fine with being the second type of boring. Because I have a long way to go to experience life, to make my life my own, no matter how boring it may seem to me or other people. But I really don't want to go through life being the first type of boring, so if I do fall in that category, can someone please let me know?! seriously...thanks...

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